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'This miseducation of a poker player is terrifically funny and terribly moving". Vicky Coren plays cards like a demon and writes like an angel.' She is Shrewd and - for a poker player - astonishingly modest and frank. A class act.

Victoria Coren (Author)
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Print List Price: £8.99
Kindle Price: £5.69 includes VAT & free wireless delivery
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Reviews from Amazon:
I cannot imagine this book being a disappointment for anyone, whether poker player or not. Unlike the intimidating but seemingly sinister welcoming atmosphere encountered with the first visit(s) to a poker room, For Richer For Poorer greets the reader with a familial and sympathetic wisdom that is carried on admirably throughout the work. If this makes gambling more or less attractive to the reader then it is purely at the readers' own discretion. Unlike much poker player talk there is no self congratulation or hype and no self pity. Instead, the author excellently portrays the development of a highly intelligent, creative and sensitive individual in the face of the abyss between the brain dead and the downtrodden youth, highlighting the clear attraction held by outsider passions.
You may not fancy poker as a pursuit, hobby or profession but you will certainly identify with the memoir. You may already play poker, in which case you will surely have only the greater identification with the text than otherwise. On the other hand you may aspire to the hights of poker stardom, and if so would be well served to understand the ethics Miss Coren tells the tale of discovering on her journey.
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