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Two is trapped: hooked on heroin, held as property, forced to sell her body to feed the addiction. Time brings her ever closer to what seems an inevitable death and Two waits, uncaring, longing only for the next fix.
That’s when Theroen arrives, beckoning to his Ferrari and grinning his inscrutable grin. He is handsome. Confident. Eager to help lift her out of the life that’s grinding her down.
The only problem? Theroen is a vampire. . .
His blood can cure her addiction, grant her powers she has never had, change her forever into something greater than she was. But when he sinks his teeth into her neck, Theroen also thrusts Two into a world of danger, violence, madness and despair. The powerful, twisted elder Abraham will use her arrival to shatter the uneasy peace that exists in his mansion, bringing an end to the dark game he has been playing for centuries.

Christopher Buecheler (Author)
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Kindle Price: £0.00 includes VAT & free wireless delivery
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This was my first book for my Kindle and was Free! I was rather skeptical. Well all I can say is I am totally amazed. 'The Blood that Bonds' was an unstoppable read. The characters are believeable and the story is fast paced. I cannot wait for the sequel 'Blood Hunt' Looking forward to what Two gets up to next.
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