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"Defoe's excellence it is, to make me forget my specific class, character, and circumstances, and to raise me while I read him, into the universal man." - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Daniel Defoe (Author)
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Print List Price: £1.99
Kindle Price: £0.00 includes VAT & free wireless delivery
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Print Length: 256 pages
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Reviews from Amazon:
This is supposed to be the story of a woman living at the end of the 17th century and details her life experience. It was probably extremely racy for its time, although by todays standards is tame.
The main character is followed fom an early age to her late 70s; during that period, she takes lovers, is married several times, becomes a thief, and the mother to many children.
She is takes the social status of the middle class; during the story, she casually refers to amounts of £50 to £500. It should be noted that at this period of Britain's history, a farm labourer would perhaps earn £25 per year.