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As a child I loved The Jungle Books… If you want to look at the India of Kipling's time, there is no writer who will give it to you better’ Salman Rushdie

Rudyard Kipling (Author)
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Reviews from Amazon:
Having been of the target age when Disney's enterpritation of the stories of Mowgli game to the big screen I decided to track the source of the magical tale. This book doesn't just contain the stories that follow Mowgli's adventures in the jungle, and quite different to the Disney version they are, but many other exciting tales, everyone captivating for its entirety. Whether it is the moral issues that are raised throughout the stories, or simply the value of a great story that you are after, this book has truely stood the test of time with shining colours.
As a child I loved The Jungle Books… If you want to look at the India of Kipling's time, there is no writer who will give it to you better’ Salman Rushdie
...The Jungle Book [is] one of the most thrilling and vivid fantasies ever written. Forget about the Disney version, in which Kaa is the baddie, this stuff makes your hair stand on end, it's so alive to what it must feel like to be an animal.