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Diets don't work. Studies have shown that only 5 percent of people who go on a diet are able to keep the weight off for more than a year. Yet even with this 95 percent failure rate the weight loss industry continues to flood the market with new diets and useless gimmicks. What's the secret to true, long lasting weight loss?
The key is to focus on your habits as they relate to food, not dieting.
Unlike animals in nature, human beings acquire a whole host of unnatural habits related to food without even realizing it. By changing these habits, most of which you are probably not even aware off, you can start to lose weight naturally and easily. Get off the Diet roller coaster and start losing weight WITHOUT dieting today!
Now updated with many natural bodyweight exercises that can help anyone burn fat and build muscle. To learn more about this course as well as others related to natural fitness and health (not to mention special deals!) visit to learn more.

David Nordmark (Author)
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Kindle Price: £0.00 includes VAT & free wireless delivery
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As this was on promo I decided to download it and see what it was like. I don't do diets, and I have exercised quite extensively in the past, running, martial arts and lifting weights, body weight exercises, etc. I thought that this was really going to be a thinly disguised fad diet, as if there isn't enough. I was very pleased that this wasn't the case but instead ultimately an essay on common sense. It always amazes me how many people always fall for the latest fad diet because some Hollywood star does it, even though they aren't stupid and already know the principles outlined in this book. There is even a workout section in this of basic no equipment exercises that you can easily do in your own home, with photos showing you how to do them correctly.