A Beginners Guide To Coin Collecting by Mark Soyer kindle ebook

A Beginners Guide To Coin Collecting - Everything You Need To Know

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Did You Know That Nearly 11.4% of ALL People That Carry Change Are Throwing Away
Potentially Thousands of Pounds Unknowingly, Because They Didn't Know Coins Can Be
Worth More Than Their Face Value?

The Best Way You Can Find Out Is To Delve Into The World of Coin Collecting. You May Be Surprised What Might Be Hiding In Your Coin Jar! One Coin Could Pay For Whatever It is You’ve Been Saving For!

Coin collector’s glossary of terms
Tools of the trade
What kinds of coins you should collect
How to determine the value of your coins
How to find coins for your collection
Some of the most valuable coins in the world
How to get kids interested in coin collecting
And much much more!

A Beginners Guide To Coin Collecting (Antiques Coin Collecting)
Mark Soyer (Author)
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Kindle Price: £0.70 includes VAT & free wireless delivery
via Amazon Whispernet
Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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