Bees: A Guide to Beekeeping and Apiculture, Honey Bees and Beehives by Rickie Banksen kindle ebook download and review

Bees: A Guide to Beekeeping and Apiculture, Honey Bees and Beehives by Rickie Banksen Bees Nest, Keeping Bees, Urban Beekeeping, Beekeeping Basics for Beginners. kindle ebook download and review

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Bees: A Guide to Beekeeping and Apiculture, Honey Bees, Beehives, Bees Nest, Keeping Bees, Urban Beekeeping, and Beekeeping Basics for Beginners

Bees are one of nature’s most prolific pollinators. It is estimated that a single bee, at the peak of its performance, can visit literally thousands of wild and cultivated flowers across an area spanning hundreds of miles. Bees are known for enhancing crop production as well as producing one of nature’s finest food products: honey.

Bees don’t just produce honey, though - they also produce royal jelly (an energy-rich substance naturally produced by bees which is added to food supplements to enhance physical performance and maintain wellness).

Whether you want an apiary for fun or for profit, there is a way to do it - and an efficient way, at that.

It doesn’t matter whether you live in a town, city, or near a farm - there is always a way to raise bee colonies without posing danger to anyone whether it be yourself, your family or your neighbors.

Bees: A Guide to Beekeeping and Apiculture (How to)
Marion Walters (Author)
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Kindle Price: £7.07 includes VAT & free wireless delivery
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Reviews from Amazon:

I thought I knew alot about the subject of beekeeping until I read this book. It's a virtual encyclopedia on the topic and if this is the only book anyone read on beekeeping, you'd be very educated and could start your own beekeeping biz!