FREE: The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde - classic - kindle ebook download and review

FREE The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde (classic)kindle ebook

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Oscar Wilde's brilliant play makes fun of the English upper classes with light-hearted satire and dazzling humour. It is 1890's England and two young gentlemen are being somewhat limited with the truth. To inject some excitement into their lives, Mr Worthing invents a brother, Earnest, as an excuse to leave his dull country life behind him to pursue the object of his desire, the ravishing Gwendolyn. While across town Algernon Montecrieff decides to take the name Earnest, when visiting Worthing's young ward Cecily. The real fun and confusion begins when the two end up together and their deceptions are in danger of being revealed.

the Importance of Being Earnest (Classics)
Oscar Wilde (Author)
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Kindle Price: £0.00 includes VAT & free wireless delivery
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Reviews from Amazon:

Of all that Oscar WIlde did, this must be his crowning achievement, and has always proved popular. Even people who have never read the play or seen it performed, or even seen a film of it seem to know the story, so it would be redundant of me to go over the plot.

Lets be honest though, the actual storyline is ludricous, and this is why it makes such a brilliant farce, but also in keeping with Wilde's keen grasp of wit this is also a great satire of the Victorian period at the time (1895). With its tangled web of lies and deceits this shows how much appearances had to be kept up, rather than what peope really did.

I have already got this in 'treebook' form but when I saw this edition here I just had to get it. If you like a good laugh, then this will be ideal for you. Also, if you get the chance I would highly recommend that you see it performed as well. I was extrememly lucky as some years ago the local amateur dramatics group put a free performance on in the local park.