Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence - classic - kindle ebook download and review

Sons and Lovers (Bantam Classics) by D.H. Lawrence

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The jaunty miner who proud Mrs Morel married has become a boorish drunk, so she devotes herself to her sons, particularly Paul. The suppressed sexuality of this intense relationship prevents Paul from choosing a wife. The mute yearning of the dark and brooding Miriam eventually repels him, nor can he give himself wholly to the over-demanding Clara. The cloying love between mother and son borders on the repellent, but the sympathetic narration rescues it, making the web of emotions startlingly real. The narrator is a Nottingham man and his presentation of the dialect is skilful. Mr Morel gains in humanity, emerging as emotionally wounded as his wife. --Rachel Redford

Slack s reading of Lawrence s classic novel portrays, with clarity, the class differences between Walter Morel and his wife, Gertrude, in the tough world of coal mining. Gertrude s middle-class background and her husband s working-class origins are clearly indicated in Slack s varied accents and tones. But it is the mother s relationship with her children, especially William, the eldest, and Paul, after William s death, that is most lyrically and elegiacally relayed. Slack s rendering of Paul s obsessions and preoccupations is sympathetically handled. Gertrude s aloofness is icily portrayed. Walter, despite his drunkenness and coarseness, seems far more sympathetic in audio. Paul s relationship with Miriam Leivers is pivotal, and the tensions that their relationship causes between Gertrude and her favorite son are central to the story. Slack underscores her maternal jealousy, showing it in sharp contrast to Gertrude s cold manner with her husband. Lawrence s central themes are heightened through the marvelous British-laced reading.

Sons and Lovers (Classic)
D.H. Lawrence (Author)
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Reviews from Amazon:

A critic once remarked that this is a book best appreciated in adolesence. Yes, I agree - that is when I first read it, but I also feel that this book, along with the short stories, are the perfect introduction to DHL. This is vintage DHL, the golden period post the early mistakes of over-writing and before the preaching mania took hold.

Think "Angela's Ashes", and you have the Morel family: mismatched and locked in eternal combat, yet held together by unknowable forces. At times, the writing soars on wings of pure poetry, and the ending, for me, foreshadowed Dylan Thomas at his best. It has also been said that this book begins as a 19th century novel, and ends as a 20th century one. DHL manages to straddle the best footholds in both traditions: good, clear story-telling, excellent characterisation, humour, pathos and psychological insight. For me, personally, the author he emulates most closely is Emily Bronte with her sense of another world beneath this physical one. Miriam's aching love for Paul echoes Catherine's and Heatchcliff's - it is frightening and choking, and that is why he must break from her. Reading this book is like seeing the world through a new pair of specs. Indeed, DHL makes everyday household objects tremble with life! Enjoy! And use it as a springboard to the more "difficult" novels.