FREE: Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens - classic - kindle free books download and review

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I first read this book aged 12 and recently re-read it. It is short enough that children and young people certainly can enjoy it despite the slightly dated nature of the text. And indeed it does not feel as dated as it might. This is a timeless work, laced with a lot of humour that certainly surpised and delighted me when I read it as a boy.

On re-reading, all my old favourite passages were there. The place where Oliver is asked to bow to the board, but not seeing a board fortunately bows to the table instead. The hilarious trial of the Artful Dodger or the comic Mr Bumble and especially his famous "the law is a ass" passage were all just as I had remembered them. I was more surpised by the biting irony I found on rereading the book though. I am not sure if I missed this when I was younger or whether I had just forgotten it, but Dickens does this very well.

The only criticism of the story is a well known one. The "Dickensian Coincidences" make the world of Dickesn seem like a very small place! But this book is rightly a classic and I hope it will be enjoyed by people young and old for many years to come.

Oliver Twist (Classsic)
Charles Dickens (Author)
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Reviews from Amazon:

I love all of Dickens - Jo Brand 

I would always prefer to go get another Dickens off the shelf than pick up a new book by someone I've not read yet  - Donna Tartt 

He's a marvellous writer ... He's very, very good - William Trevor

Charles Dickens is one of the giants of English literature Sunday Express Nothing seems more quintessentially British than Charles Dickens - The Times 

My all-time favourite author is Charles Dickens - Lesley Pearse 

There's only one Charles Dickens - Nick Hornby 
