Sweet Temptation by Lucy Diamond - fiction - kindle free books download and review

Sweet Temptation by Lucy Diamond (fiction)

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Maddie’s getting it from all sides. Her bitchy new boss at the radio station humiliates her live on air about her figure, her glamour-puss mum keeps dropping not-so-subtle hints that Maddie should lose weight and her kids are embarrassed to be seen with her after the disastrous Mums’ race at their school sports day.

Something’s got to change… Maddie joins the local weight-watching group expecting more humiliation but instead finds two unlikely allies – bitter divorcee Lauren who, despite running a dating agency, has signed off romance for ever and shy Jess, the beautician, who’s desperate to fit into a size 10 wedding dress for her Big Day.

Sweet Temptation (fiction)
Lucy Diamond (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Print List Price: £6.99
Kindle Price: £0.99 includes VAT & free wireless delivery
via Amazon Whispernet
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Reviews from Amazon:

Sweet Temptation is about three women: Maddie, Jess and Lauren, all of whom are struggling with their weight as well as difficulties in their everyday lifes; from their jobs to their relationships with their partners and work collegues. Although the three of them don't know each other they are brought together by one thing - their desire to lose weight, so they all join a weight loss group and as they start their weight loss regimes they soon become close friends.

Each chapter of this books follows the story of one of the women and alternates between them with each chapter. This enables us to learn about each of the women's lifes and realationships away from the weight loss group aswell as reading about their meet up's with the other two women when they come together again.

This is a very written book based on a topic which I think most women will be able to relate to. Although, there are some more sensitive and serious issues explored in this book and therefore it is not the light-hearted read it may originally seem on first glance.

Overall, Lucy Diamond has produced a great story with three warm and loveable female characters all of whom are strong individual women who know their own minds and I look forward to seeing what next book will bring. 
