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Chick lit at it's best. One minute I was giggling away at Bender's antics and the next I was holding my breath thinking is she/isn't she going to get together with Cal. The most enjoyable book I've read in a long time. Download it right now.

Gemma Halliday (Author)
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Digital List Price: £2.85
Kindle Price: £1.99 includes VAT & free wireless delivery
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Reviews from Amazon:
Tina is a gossip columnist working for a notorious magazine in Los Angeles. Her stories focus on the lives of the famous and not so famous; and she has a knack for finding out the little secrets that they would rather keep hidden, and she is only too happy to share these with her readers. One of her subjects has decided to anonymously threaten her; but Tina decides to find out who is it and stop them before she herself is the victim of a killing.
It is a great story; well written, with a good sense of humour and doesn't take itself too seriously. I have read some other work by Gemma Halliday and I like the way that she tells the story; simple and effective. I will certainly be looking for her other works.
A light read for the summer beach or to fill in a quiet hour when travelling.