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William Wallace encounters secret passageways, disguises, and a quintet of horrible villains as he fights for Scotland at the turn of the fourteenth century.

Jane Porter (Author)
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Reviews from Amazon:
My copy of this book was published in 1858, I found it in a little second hand book store in Stirling, Scotland, not far from the castle. I found the book to be well written and very interesting, especially if you had spent time at "Bannock Burn", or had seen, and visited the Wallace Monument. If you get the chance to visit the area where this great story took place you can see the "Scots" as they took control of the field of battle and destroyed Edward army. It's too bad that the movie didn't tell the whole story. I THINK this book is one which should be read by Free People everywhere as it tells the story of our founding fathers and the freedom they sought for all of us.
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