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Having read Giselle Green's other two fantastic books my hopes were set high for Pandora's Box, and it certainly lived up to, or even exceeded my expectations! It gripped me, taking me right into the story, and for about the last 20 pages is absolutely impossible to put down! It was particularly interesting exploring different views with regard to euthanasia and aiding a terminally ill loved one to die.
I would strongly recommend Pandora's Box, along with Giselle Green's two other novels 'A Sister's Gift' and 'Little Miracles'.

Giselle Green (Author)
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Reviews from Amazon:
Pandora's box deals with some very controversial moral themes. Shelley has a terminal disease and wants to end it all before she gets to the worst stage and so sets about arranging her own death. Her mother, Rachel has numerous issues with the past that remain as wounds in the present and when her own mother, Pandora, leaves behind a box of memories as she emigrates, Rachel finds herself confronted by her demons. Lies are told and lies are exposed.
The characters run the gamut of human behaviour. There is betrayal, cruelty, shallow, stupidity, courage, remorse, acceptance, rejection.
Despite the heavy weight of the situations and emotions surging through this novel, it is paradoxically a light, fast read and well worth packing in one's holiday suitcase. I loved some of the descriptions of Cornwall and could almost have been there with Rachel and Shelley. I wouldn't say it is particularly like Jodi Picoult, it's much lighter in literary tone, but that's not a criticism. Do give this author a try.
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