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"Google AdWords That Work" is intended for web owners, marketing managers, project managers and anyone interested in promoting their website effectively. It is for the non-techie who wants to be involved - this book will show you how to research, prepare and run your own AdWords campaign and will also give you the tools and the confidence to be able to explain to other team members, third-party suppliers and anyone else you care to talk to, about what it is you want them to do for you.
AdWords can offer you a real chance of 'getting big, fast'. This isn't about just throwing a limitless budget at Google and seeing what happens, with your fingers crossed that something will stick - quite simply, through a systematic and prepared campaign you can quite easily grow from obscurity to perceived market leader in a couple of months. "Google Adwords That Work" shows you how.
Jon Smith (Author)
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Reviews from Amazon:
This book helped me, more than double my click through rate. It taught me how to plan my campaigns with ruthless efficiency! It explains how google works, not like a manual saying "click on this" but it did give me enough understanding to know what I need to do and what to look for. The marketing tips are really good. It helped me to understand the abbreviations like CTR. Also the book is tiny, easy to read and not boring yet very informative.
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