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All the words to the Gilbert and Sullivans fourteen operettas, these are:-
The Gondoliers
The Grand Duke
HMS Pinafore
The Mikado
The Pirates of Penzance
Princess Ida
The Sorcerer
Trial By Jury
Utopia Limited
The Yeomen of The Guard

W. S. (William Schwenck) Gilbert (Author)
Arthur Sullivan (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Kindle Price: £0.00 includes VAT & free wireless delivery
via Amazon Whispernet
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Reviews from Amazon:
Although the words are all here, and stage directions, these is no musical score, and if you want that as well you will probably find it somewhere on this site. Although the songs are correctly formatted, the actual speaking parts aren't so well done, and they are also set out like the lyrics, however this isn't much of a hardship, seeing as this doesn't cost anything. Although there is no active table of contents in the 'Go To' menu, if you click on the cover option then you will find one.
The viewing public are a fickle lot, but I think we can safely say that these have endured admirably, although of course some are much better than others. I think everyone has their own personal favourite, mine is 'The Yeomen of The Guard', and due to their popularity I don't think they need an opening introduction. If you ever get a chance to see any of these performed on stage, then go for it. I have been fortunate to see two performed so far, and I want to see them all - hopefully.
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