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It's 1961 and Eddie Mellor and Jane Wilson are in love. Eddie's group, The Raiders, is about to make it big. They have the world at their feet and an exciting future to look forward to. Then in walks Angie Turner... The first novel in a trilogy about The Raiders, spanning 40 years.

Pam howes (Author)
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Reviews from Amazon:
I really enjoyed this book by Pam Howes.
The sixties is my favourite era so what a pleasant surprise to come across this book.
Pam's book is fast paced with plenty of dialogue and no long boring descriptive scenes.
Not that there isn't plenty of description, there is but Pam has the gift of making it part of the scenery so that you feel as if you are actually there.
A really good read and I highly recommend this book.
It goes without saying really that I will be buying...
Always On My Mind and 'Til I Kissed You
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