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On 19 February 2008, Shannon Matthews disappeared while making her way home from a school swimming trip. The 999 call made by her mother, Karen, alerted the police to the nine-year-old's disappearance and sparked a massive search across the north of England.
The story dominated newspaper headlines and television news for the weeks that followed and there was even an offer of a GBP50,000 reward for the person who found Shannon. 24 days later, Shannon was found, concealed in the base of a divan bed in a flat about a mile away from her home in West Yorkshire.
The truth that unfolded over the subsequent weeks horrified the public, who had sympathised with the seemingly striken mother and even helped in the search for Shannon. It transpired that the abduction of the innocent girl had been a wicked plan dreamed up by her own mother in league with an accomplice, her stepfather's uncle, Michael Donovan.
Donovan lured Shannon into his car with the promise of a trip to the fair. For almost three weeks, she was kept hidden in his home and given temazepam and travel sickness tables to subdue her. While Shannon suffered, her captors came up with a plan to release her in Dewsbury Market, and for Donovan to find her and claim the reward money.
Shannon was finally discovered when neighbours told police that they had heard a child's footsteps coming from Donovan's flat.This in-depth book examines the horrific case of an evil mother who betrayed her daughter, deceived friends and neighbours and wasted huge amounts of police time, at a cost of GBP3.2 million to the taxpayer.
It looks at the background of the family, the court case and the aftermath of one of the most notorious deceptions in recent history.

Rose Martin (Author)
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Kindle Price: £0.00 includes VAT & free wireless delivery
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Reviews from Amazon:
It is supremely difficult to rate a book of this nature. Sure, it is a good and informative read, but the subject is both delicate and emotive. The vile mother of Shannon is a piece of council estate, broken Britain, benefit scrounging trash, who has more than like as not, ruined whatever meagre chances her daughter could ever have aspired to. This tale is not born from poverty.
It does not exist in the life-styles of these people in this country. Her notoriety may get her into the Big Brother House, or the red tabloids as time goes by. And she will do OK, at a price. But all i am left with is a feeling of great sadness, that this is modern-day Britain. Sadness for Shannon and sadness for the tax-payer, who can only watch and despair. The book is an education. But for who? For why? Not a bad book, but one that should never have been written.
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