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Twenty years ago the very first For Dummies book, DOS For Dummies, was published. From that first printing of that first book came a series unlike anything in the publishing world, one that is global in both geography - we have been published worldwide in some 30 languages - and in coverage.
No single volume can hope to summarize what thousands of titles have meant to millions of readers over the years, and we don't claim to do that in this e-book. Rather, this e-book celebrates the breadth and depth of the For Dummies series, offering 20 chapters - in honor of our 20 years - from a list of books compiled by our global colleagues.
We are confident the chapters we've included give you a representative glimpse at why - no matter what the topic - our products have meant so much to so many by Making Everything Easier. We've grouped our chapters into five main parts:
Part I: Dummies Classics, offers four chapters from some of our best-loved books. There's a chapter from DOS For Dummies, the book that started it all, and chapters from two of our best-sellers: Windows 7 For Dummies and Sex For Dummies. And just for a bit of spice, we've included a chapter from French For Dummies.
Part II: Daily Dose of Dummies, offers the kind of lifestyle, self-help, and business skills that our readers have come to treasure. There's one of our famous Part of Tens chapters from Cognititive Behavioural Therapy for Dummies and a chapter from Meditation For Dummies to help you get your center. Chapters from Leadership For Dummies and Marketing For Dummies help you develop new skills for the marketplace.
Part III: Fun with Dummies, celebrates life and all it has to offer. We've got chapters here from The Royal Wedding For Dummies, Guitar For Dummies, Digital Photography SLR All-in-One For Dummies, Puppies for Dummies, Knitting For Dummies, and Wine For Dummies.
Part IV: Get Social, highlights how we help you grow and develop new skills. Chapters here come from Facebook For Dummies, Social Media Marketing For Dummies, and Dating For Dummies.
Part V: Going Global, shares the worldwide appeal of the For Dummies series. These chapters from British History For Dummies, Canadian History For Dummies, and Rugby Union For Dummies were created by our global colleagues and authors and show how the For Dummies approach applies not only to whatever the subject is at hand, but also wherever the discussion is taking place.
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Reviews from Amazon:
As has possibly everyone else, I've seen these books around for years, but I've never picked one up...until now. Those that have will know that the books are certainly the opposite of rocket science, in of course the very nicest possible way, which became very visible, very quickly.
This is only a taster of the For Dummies series, which the amazon blurb covers in pretty full-on detail, and I liked how clear, non-condescending and concise everything was. In fact, on reading the first bit, Windows 7 For Dummies, with its descriptions of What Is A Mouse, Creating/Deleting/Retrieving Files etc., I may well get this For Dummies book for my 70yo mum, who's just learning to use a PC.
The English is clear, all is step-by-step and it has images and diagrams and very clear explanations. Of course, being a French-speaker, I had to check out the French For Dummies extract, which was helpful as well as amusing. And of course, I also had to check out Sex For Dummies: having been happily married now for 21 years, it was interesting to read some of the Dr Ruth suggestions e.g. Connecting Through Meaningful Conversations, Scheduling Time Together, Scheduling Sex Dates, Stopping Destructive Habits, and for me and hubby personally, Staying Close To Avoid Empty-Nest Syndrome.
I also particularly liked the bits on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Dummies, which I could have done with due to my Empty-Nest Syndrome, as it had gems like Accepting That Life Can Be Unfair, Thinking Flexibly, Understanding That Approval From Others Isn't Necessary, Tolerating Short-Term Discomfort, Meditation, Relaxing Your Body, Enacting Enlightened Self-Interest (i.e. it's ok to put yourself first sometimes, with 1/2/a close handful of people a very close second. A really BIG thing that us mums don't often do...until we become Empty-Nesters).
Whilst I can't imaging absolutely needing to read one of these right-here, right-now, I will certainly check out any titles that become relevant. On top, they are cheap and many titles are in stock at my local library. A great introduction to For Dummies, by the now-converted.
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