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Special Agent Patrick Bowers had only met one man who made him truly afraid. Until now. When he's called to North Carolina to consult on the case of an area serial killer, he finds himself in a deadly game.
Cunning and lethal, the killer is always one step ahead of the law, and he's about to strike again. It will take all of Bowers's instincts and training to stop this man who calls himself the Illusionist.
And just when the pieces start to come together, Bowers realizes they're not quite adding up. Can he unravel the pattern and save the next victim?
Or will the Illusionist win the game by taking one of his opponent's pieces?
Thrilling, chilling, and impossible to put down, The Pawn will hold suspense lovers in its iron grip until the very last page.

Steven James (Author)
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Kindle Price: £0.00 includes VAT & free wireless delivery
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Reviews from Amazon:
What I Love about this novel, is that, like a few thrillers that are coming out of the Christian market at the moment, this novel is a look at the world through a Christian perspective, and not a full on novel with a hidden Christian message (There's nothing wrong with this approach, as I like many novels that go down this road)
This novel deals with quite graphic themes of murder, which may put some readers off, but, unfortunately this reflects the world we live in.
Issues of grief, father/parenthood are also covered. This is the first novel/book that I have come across from Mr. James, but even now, I'm chomping at the bits to read the follow on in this series
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