The Afterlife Club (fiction) by Jude Ryan £0.89p - kindle free books download and review

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When twenty-five-year-old Madeleine Duffy wakes up after a terrifying cycling accident to hear she's the newest member of the Afterlife Club, Cyclists' Chapter, she's thinks it's a place more horrifying than hell itself. After all, the only reason she even hauled her bulk onto that torture machine every morning was the chance to see London's hottest cyclist (aka Corduroy Man) go by each day - and maybe lose a few pounds in the process. 

Things get even worse when Madeleine discovers she's expected to get back on the bike to help protect the living from traffic doom. How can a woman whose life revolved around shopping and croissants be expected to change in death? But when Madeleine's own reluctance to let go results in disastrous consequences, she must decide: is she strong enough to fulfill the new role she's been given, or should she cling to the empty life she no longer lives?

And now that she's dead, how in heaven's name is she ever going to attract Corduroy Man?

The Afterlife Club (fiction)
Jude Ryan (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Kindle Price: £0.89 includes VAT & free wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet
Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Reviews from Amazon:

I loved the idea of a story being told from the afterlife and the conflict of Madeleine being drafted into an eternal job for which she has no aptitude, as a protector of London's cyclists. As she comes to terms which her own loss, she also grows more confident in her cycling skills and as a person. Written in a punchy style, I read it through in a matter of days. Very enjoyable. 

"I highly recommend this to all -- chick lit fans are bound to love it but people who look for 'deeper' books will also really enjoy it because it is just a bit different to your average girly beach read. I think the author has produced something really special here."

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