FREE - Shatter (The Children of Man) by Elizabeth C. Mock - kindle free books download and review

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Growing up during the chaos of the Nabosian War, Faela Durante and her entire generation never knew what it meant to live in a time of peace. Though the war ended years ago, the devastation has not. Every decision, no matter how seemingly insignificant, has a consequence and some consequences can never be predicted. But some are foretold.

Less than a year ago, Faela, the first Tereskan mind healer in generations, disappeared from her family home in Finalaran scared and pregnant. Hunted and living as an outcast, Faela searches for a legend that might be her only hope of gaining atonement and returning to her son. When her journey collides with two strangers and a prophecy, she must choose between trusting those around her or accomplishing her mission. Haunted by her past, the consequences of Faela's choices will endanger more than her own fate.

Shatter (The Children of Man) (fiction)
Elizabeth C. Mock (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Print List Price: £1.92
Kindle Price: £0.00 includes VAT & free wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet
You Save: £1.92 (100%)
Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Reviews from Amazon:

I admit I am a Sci Fi/ Fantasy fan and as such am willing to overlook the more improbable aspects of this genre but this is a great read for all no matter where you feel your reading allegiances lie.

I'm half way in and am already hooked - so much so I even tried searching to see if this is the only one of a series *fingers crossed*. Characters are well crafted and the writing style fast paced. As a reader you are drip fed just enough information to begin piecing together a whole fully formed world - I'm already concerned that at some point the book will end...

Yes it's free and does need to be copy edited (not that there are many errors - I've found worse with established authors) but please don't think you will receive an inferior product!

Give it a go - you'll be hooked within the first 20 pages!

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