A Sister's Gift by Giselle Green (fiction) £1.99 - kindle free books download and review

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Two sisters. Best of friends. Worst of enemies.
The stunning new novel from Jodi Picoult.

Hollie Hudson and her husband Richard are fast losing hope…Despite her infertility, Hollie is unable to give up her dream of having her own family and so calls on her last chance - her wayward half-sister.

24-year-old blonde bombshell Scarlett is the antithesis of her darker, more reserved older sister and capable of giving Hollie the miracle she so desperately desires.Having single-handedly bought Scarlett up after their runaway mother abandoned them, Scarlett knows she owes Hollie everything - and now it's time to pay her back with the ultimate gift…

After a number of unsuccessful IVF attempts, the doctor advises that Scarlett and Richard try the natural method to conceive. Scarlett hides her delight as she has always harboured a secret crush on Richard, and Hollie is desperate to try anything. However Richard baulks at the idea, realising the problems it will cause later on…

While Hollie is delighted when Scarlet later falls pregnant, little does she know that she may be bringing a child into a shattered family which harbours secrets and dangerous desires.Find out more in this mesmerising and heartbreaking tale from a stunning British talent about sacrifice, sisterhood and the ultimate gift.

A Sister's Gift (fiction)
Giselle Green (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Print List Price: £10.99
Kindle Price: £1.99 includes VAT & free wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet
You Save: £9.00 (82%)
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Reviews from Amazon:

This is a very moving story about how far you would go in order to attain your heart's desire. The reader can empathise with both the heroines - Hollie who yearns for a child to the point of obsession and her selfish but impulsive sister Scarlett who has her own agenda - but you know from the start that they're on a collision course. 

They both risk everything in their desperate attempts to reach their goals, but along the way they learn things about themselves that eventually make them stronger. The novel packs an emotional punch that hits you right in the gut. A roller-coaster ride of love, dreams, desperation, betrayal and ultimately possible redemption, it kept me enthralled from the very first page. 

I stayed up until the early hours of the morning to find out how it would end and when it did, the characters remained in my mind for a long time afterwards and I didn't want to let them go.

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