Trick by Sean Hancock (Fiction) - kindle free books download and review

A group of disaffected teens turn to crime to get the things they want. But can they handle the consequences?

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A coming of age story about a group of disaffected teens who turn to crime in order to get the things they want. But can they handle the consequences? Extremely relevant when read in the light of the recent UK riots...

Trick is fifteen and growing up in a dead-end Devon town. Because of how he looks, Trick stands out, attracting unwanted attention.

More than usually subject to peer pressure, he wins approval from his tough gang of friends by spotting an opportunity for a robbery at a local supermarket. But he never thought they’d go through with it. When they do Trick finds he can’t back out and has to take part in the crime.

Even though they escape with more money than they’d anticipated, it is a botched job and cataclysmic events unfold. Will Trick’s wit and quick thinking find a way out for him and his friends, or are they all doomed?

While all of this is unfolding, Kelly Jenkins, the girl Trick has been in love with since he was seven years old, is planning her escape from Devon. If he doesn’t tell her how he feels now he risks losing her forever…

A gritty, fast-paced story full of suspense and intrigue, Trick is ultimately about friendship, growing up and what it’s like to fall in love for the very first time.

Trick (fiction)
Sean Hancock (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Print List Price: £0.89
Kindle Price: £0.89 includes VAT & free wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Reviews from Amazon:

This book is far removed from the sort of books I usually read, and I only downloaded it as the reviews were so good, but it is fantastic. The story really grabbed my attention from the beginning, the characters are interested and well written and even though it bears no resemblance to my life I had no trouble finding the story all too believable. 

I will be looking for more work by this author and recommend this book to everyone, you might not think it is your cup of tea but I bet you will enjoy it. I don't want to give away the ending but it had a very satisfying conclusion.

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