100 Ways To Use Your Android Device by Jaison B - £0.77 - Download and Review

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Android Smart Phone
Android will be powering not only your mobile devices, but in the near future, it will control your TV, Cars, general electrical equipments and even your whole home.

You can be in control of all those things and will be controlling them with your hand held device like a mobile or tablet. This book lists a hundred ways you can use your android device.

Here is a sample of what you will get.

Take measurement

You can now use your android device to take measurements of all sorts. Hard to believe? Take a look at the various apps which belong to this category. First of all there is an app called Smart Measure which measures the distance and height of an object by trigonometry. The effective distance in which it does the calculation is about 1-50 m. Just stand up and press the camera shutter button. The important thing to keep in mind is to aim the camera at the ground, not the object. Another app which belongs to a similar category is called the Smart Ruler. You can measure the length of small objects with your phone by touch. Put an object on the screen of your phone. Adjust the object to the left of the screen and touch the screen and read the length.

As a levelling stick

Ever wanted to see whether a surface is level or not. You can now do just that by simply putting your android device on the surface you need to measure. "Spirit level plus" app allows you to do just that. It makes very good readings once it is calibrated. It might be pointless for someone but hey, it will do its job for your home / college projects. It is one of those things you never thought your android device can do. But these kinds of apps prove that only human imagination is the limit when it comes to making mobile apps.

Locate where you parked your car

This one was a life saver for me. I have a very short term memory. Especially when it comes to parking cars in a unfamiliar place, I often waste a few minutes figuring out where I parked my car(especially if the parking lot is huge). I guess there are other people like me who will find this app useful. The name of the app is MyCar Locator Free. It is the easiest to use car locator on the market according to the apps creator. The app remembers where you park with the push of just one button and guides you back to your car easily. It is also great for remembering the location of your hotel, camping spot, or any other location you would like to easily return to later. It works more outdoors than indoors. In fact, it rarely works indoors.

Weather radar

Crazy about tracking weather? There is an android app called radar now which is made just for you. The app fixes your location to display the animated weather radar and current conditions closest to you. The main feature of this app is that it has a simple interface which is really fast. It requires no user input or configuration to retrieve the display. One thing I would change about this app is the ability for the users to input the location. Suppose I am travelling from California to New York and if I want to know the weather condition in NY, then I would have to rely on the conventional websites. There is another app which is in the same market which is called rainy days. Some people like rainy days app more than radar now.

100 Ways To Use Your Android Device (Tech)
Jaison B (Author)
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Print List Price: £1.02
Kindle Price: £1.02 
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Reviews from Amazon:

Great value for the book. It introduced me to so many new ways in which I can use my device. Even for the ones I thought I knew (like music players), the book had really great app suggestions which are less known but top quality. All the apps I have seen so far in this book are free. I can get this info from the internet but then I have to spend countless hours researching. This book is a real time saver and helped me know more about my android smart phone and its uses. The ones like using it as a metal detector was a surprise but I was even more surprised when the free app actually worked.
Decent list. I never imagined that I could use my android tablet as a levelling stick :). I ended up installing 40 or so new apps suggested in the book. The one I use the most is the app which lets me convert my tablet into a remote control to take control of my laptop. I have a dell xps 17' which I bought recently and love watching blue ray in those. Now I can keep my laptop on my tea table, lay on my bed and control the beast using my tablet.
I wish it had put more info on how to root the device. I read somewhere that after rooting, you can install more apps. Also there were a couple of grammar mistakes. But as the content was good, I ignored those.
Great value for the book. It introduced me to so many new ways in which I can use my device. Even for the ones I thought I knew (like music players), the book had really great app suggestions which are less known but top quality. All the apps I have seen so far in this book are free. I can get this info from the internet but then I have to spend countless hours researching. This book is a real time saver and helped me know more about my android smart phone and its uses. The ones like using it as a metal detector was a surprise but I was even more surprised when the free app actually worked.

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100 Ways To Use Your Android Device by Jaison B kindle free books download and review