FREE: How to Live on 24 Hours a Day by Arnold Bennett - Download and Review

Don't seem to do much when you get home from work each day?

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'In Bennetts' 'How to live on 24 hours a day' he lays down the philosophical argument that the majority of us simply do not use the time we are given to best advantage. Given that most of us spend eight hours daily in work for an employer and some of us may even give that our best efforts and enjoy the work, it is the other 16 hours plus weekends (days off) that Bennett tackles here.

Take example the journey to work, travelling to the station, the time the train station blatantly wastes as you stand waiting for it's arrival, the trivial reading of the newspaper in the time allocated to arrive at your destination, and the same on the way home; Bennett has far better uses for your time than to squander it away reading the daily papers.

The Author
Arnold Bennett was a playwright, essayist, critic and journalist. Born in Hanley, Stoke on Trent, and the eldest child of a pawnbroker who had bettered himself and become a solicitor. He became a solicitors clerk at frist in his father's office, and from 1889 in London. He joined the staff of Woman magazine and later became editor. His first novel to be published, A Man From the North appeared in 1898.

He went on to write is famous Five Towns Novels, but never returned to the Potteries of his birth. He died on 27 March 1931 from typhoid shortly after a visit to France. His ashes are buried in the cemetery at Burslem, Stoke on Trent. His grandson, Denis Eldin, is the President of the Society and lives in Paris. The Society have just published "Arnold Bennett's uncollected short stories 1892-1932" further details on our website at

How to Live on 24 Hours a Day (fiction)
Arnold Bennett (Author)
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Print List Price: £3.99
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Reviews from Amazon:

I was absolutely delighted within minutes of starting. The writing style is old-fashioned, with anecdotes reflecting life at the start of the last century. However, it is incredibly accessible and the examples are easy to understand and just as relevant today. Bennett writes in a humorous style, which while may not be to everyone's taste, certainly made me smile.

The essence of the book is that the average person always feels short of time. Bennett's basic premise is that you might work for 8 hours a day, and sleep for 8 hours a day, but the rest of the time is not used productively. He dissects a typical day and gives some really thought provoking ways to think about, reclaim and then spend this time.

Given the number of people who spend their evenings slumped in front of the TV, zoning out, it seems to be there are no shortage of people who would benefit from this book, but alas I suspect they are also the least likely to read it.

It's a short book, and a quick reader will get through it in an hour, although as Bennett tells us in the book, the real benefits will come from reflecting on its content.

To be honest - while it's free, why not give it a try!

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How to Live on 24 Hours a Day by Arnold Bennett kindle free books download and review