FREE: Inspector Zhang Gets His Wish by Stephen Leather - Download and Review

This is a free short story, equivalent to about 30 pages. A perfect read if you have an hour to kill.

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Inspector Zhang loves mysteries, but as a Detective Inspector with the Singapore Police Force he knows that mysteries are few and far between. There are relatively few crimes in the city state and those that are committed are usually solved quickly. But that all changes when Inspector Zhang is called to a top Singapore hotel where a guest has been found murdered in a locked room. The guest made a phone call to room service shortly before he was killed - but CCTV footage shows that nobody entered or left the room. So finally Inspector Zhang has his wish - a mystery to solve. But will it be too much for him?

This is a short story, just under 9000 words, equivalent to about 30 pages. A perfect read if you have an hour to kill.

It has received a four star review from Amazon Top 500 Reviewer Shaun Horrigan. He wrote - "Impeccably dressed and well spoken, Inspector Zhang is a Detective Inspector in the Singapore Police. He loves reading, especially traditional detective fiction, even going as far as teaching himself Japanese in order to read a series of books that were never published in English.

"For his entire career he has longed for a murder mystery to test his deductive powers, but murders hardly ever happen in Singapore. Summoned late one night to a five star hotel, it seems he has finally got his wish when the body of a wealthy American businessman is discovered in what seems to be a 'locked room mystery'.

"I certainly haven't read all of Stephen Leather's works, but I have read a few, and those that I have read have a few things in common. They are all extremely well written in a very contemporary style and they have all been hard hitting and rather graphic. This little story is also well written, but it is the total opposite in terms of style. This story reads very much like an Agatha Christie "whodunnit". It is very gentle in style, has no gore, is not in any way graphic in nature, and has no strong language at all. All in all it is a very easy going read. Personally I found this a refreshing change.

"Stephen Leather has very much taken the Kindle to heart and as I would expect the Kindle presentation is first class. I only picked up one minor typo in the entire story. This little story took me just over half an hour to read and is 465 locations on the Kindle/roughly 30 pages, about the perfect length for something to read between novels.

I have also included the first few chapters of another detective story set in Asia - Bangkok Bob and The Missing Mormon.

Inspector Zhang Gets His Wish (fiction)
Stephen Leather (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Print List Price: £0.00
Kindle Price: £0.00 
includes free wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet
Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Reviews from Amazon:

Sealed room mystery set in an unfamiliar landscape (for me). Was a very quick, smooth and enjoyable read. I was even surprised by the dénouement but shouldn't have been as a big clue is dropped in the middle of the story. Will see if I can find more Stephen Leather books.
This is a short story about Inspector Zhang. He is somewhat a connoisseur of 'Locked Room Mysteries'. He finally gets his greatest wish and receives a call, a man has been killed and no one has been in or out of the room.

Being somewhat of a newcomer to this 'Locked Room Mystery' genre, I had no idea what to expect. I loved it. I loved the intrigue and mystery surrounding the whole conundrum. Inspector Zhang attacked the problem with steadfast logic and came to his conclusion by eliminating all the other possibilities.

A great short read and a great mystery.

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Inspector Zhang Gets His Wish by Stephen Leather kindle free books download and review