FREE: One Step Closer by Iain Rowan - Download and Review

Life jumps the rails, runs away from you and there’s no catching it up. Not ever.
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Life jumps the rails, runs away from you and there’s no catching it up. Not ever.

"I mean it," the gunman shrieked, and he pointed the revolver at Ward, the end of the barrel moving in tiny circles with the shaking of his hands. "I mean it. One step closer..."

Ward stopped where he was. Other than the man with the gun, no-one else was standing. The sun was shining bright through the frosted windows, and somewhere in the bank a lazy dying fly buzzed and battered against the glass. The bank smelt of floor polish. Ward could taste the pickle from the sandwich he had eaten an hour earlier. Everything was very real, as sharp and defined as the stars on a cold and cloudless November night.

I've not been a bad man, Ward thought, although I could have been a better one. But I've not been a bad man. There's always that. He thought about how blue and perfect the sky had been that morning. He thought of Sarah, of how they were before it had all gone wrong, and he wondered what she was doing now. He hoped that she was happy. I don't think I have ever felt more alive, he thought. And now I know I've wasted so many things. So much time.

Winner of the Derringer Award for best short crime story.

One Step Closer (fiction)
Iain Rowan (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Print List Price: £0.70
Kindle Price: £0.00 
includes free wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet
Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Reviews from Amazon:

This is the 2nd short story of Iain Rowan's i have read .... the first being 'sighted' which is excellent by the way. This one is about a bloke during an ordinary mundane day getting caught in a bank raid. The raid doesn't go well , we hear the main characters thoughts as it progresses... all the things we would probably think.
The book is sharp and well written... i am ordering you to read it... IT'S FREE .............. having now discovered this author i am downloading everything he has written and am gonna start to stalk him....I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE ;-)
This is a brilliant short story which will only take you around 10 minutes to read - but don't let that put you off, the quality of Iain Rowan's writing is excellent and this book is pretty much guaranteed to grip you from the very first sentence.

Ward, a down-on-his-luck guy finds himself in the middle of an armed bank robbery after popping into his local branch during his lunch hour. The stress of the situation makes Ward reflect on his life, the wasted opportunities and mistakes he has made.

The book is fast paced (it needs to be as a short story) and the sequence of events build up as things in the bank quickly go from bad to worst as the jittery bank robber simply reacts to events without premeditated thought.

Ward decides to take action - but will that be his undoing? That question remains unanswered which means the book finishes on a cliffhanger - something that really works well for this story.

The repetition of the first few paragraphs of the book right at the end was a powerful technique in this story - although they were the same words they held a completely different meaning once you knew what Ward was about to do.

I thoroughly recommend this well crafted book and I will definitely be looking out for more books by Iain Rowan.

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One Step Closer by Iain Rowan kindle free books download and review