FREE: Syndrome by Thomas Hoover - download and review

A medical reporter uncovers a bizarre experiment to reverse the ageing process.

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Alexa Hampton runs her own interior design firm in New York’s Soho but now a heart mishap threatens her life. Her black-sheep younger brother insists she go to a New Jersey clinic owned by his eccentric boss for stem cell experiments. There she and her long-ago lover, a medical reporter, uncover a bizarre experiment to reverse the aging process.

Syndrome (fiction)
Thomas Hoover (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Print List Price: £13.95
Kindle Price: £0.00 
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Reviews from Amazon:

I enjoyed this book and followed it by downloading another of his books which I am reading now - as free downloads even better. :-)
Will keep an eye on some of his other books and would pay to download in the future.
It's astonishing to think that medicine has advanced so far in the last 100 years; sometimes it could be thought that there is little more that could be developed. But in fact, stem cell research is now well under way, and there are suggestions that this particular branch of medicine could result in the development of treatments for so many debilitating conditions and illnesses.

This story focuses on what might happen in the not too distant future; it gives an indication of the pressure to produce the various cures, and just how far people will go to make it happen. It highlights both the risks and the rewards that could potentially arise from this research; and offers a glimpse into the ethics behind the research and treatment of terminal illness.

The story itself is very well written, and I found that I was hooked just a short way into the story. It is quite long, but I didn't feel at any time that it was tedious or drawn out. It is a very clever piece of writing, with some interesting characters and I really liked the interplay between them.

A really excellent and intelligent piece of work, and one that I'm glad was available to be downloaded to my Kindle.
 Sufficiently fast paced and well written to keep me interested and as my first "free" download I wasn't sure what to expect. I am going for more books by the same author, as I really enjoyed it.

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Syndrome by Thomas Hoover kindle free books download and review