The Power Behind The Throne by Sally Nicoll £1.99 - Download and Review

A story that exposes evil at the heart of the British establishment!

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In the year of HRH The Queen's Diamond Jubilee comes a fiercely controversial story that exposes evil at the heart of the British establishment.

Three of the UK's most powerful men will stop at nothing to protect the monarchy... and that includes the murder of American architectural student Jack Hollander, the one man who can prevent Prince Charles from fulfilling his destiny.

"Move over Jeffery Archer! The King is dead, long live the new Queen, Sally Nicoll." ~ Jonathan Fingerhut

"If you love a conspiracy theory you'll love The Power Behind The Throne. It may all be more close to the truth than we realise." ~ Catherine Pace O'Shea

"Clever blend of fiction and fact, and a superb twist at the end. " ~ Primrose

"As an avid James Patterson reader, in Sally Nicoll have we found the English equivalent?" ~ Kevin Leggett

The Power Behind The Throne. It could never happen? Could it? Download now and decide for yourself...

The power behind the Throne (fiction)
Sally Nicoll (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Print List Price: £0.98
Kindle Price: £0.98 
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Reviews from Amazon:

I bought this on a whim having just purchased a new Kindle (which I think is fab!).
My expectations of this book were low. Indeed, I expected not to be tempted to venture beyond the first few pages.

How wrong could I be! It gripped me from page two and would not let me go. Yes, it has all the formulaic elements that Jeffrey Archer's books have but done in an oh so much better way.
I almost hated myself for becoming so engrossed in the plot because it was such an easy and light read. I did not even guess the twist at the end.

War and Peace it ain't - but if you want a great beach or pool side book, this is it! Go enjoy!
I cannot wait for the next book.
So, just before his ill-fated wedding to a clothes horse, the heir to the throne had a dalliance with a chalet girl at a Swiss ski resort. Years later, the result of that night threatens the very future of the monarchy. Enter a mysterious organisation created to protect the stability of the royal family, working with such enthusiasm that it stops at nothing.

Complete tosh, of course. And yet, and yet....

This is a rattling good read. Written in short chapters that feel almost like news broadcasts, the book has more gasps, twists and sub plots than it is reasonable to withstand. At times I had to force myself to stop reading just to pause for breath. Clearly written for an international market (I found the explanations of British references occasionally tiresome) it cleverly exploits a universal concern about the truth behind much loved public facades.

This was the first time I'd read an e-book. I was sceptical about the process and feared I would miss the excitement of turning pages and the smell of the paper but it was so gripping I would have continued reading even if I'd needed to run on a treadmill to generate the power.

A perfect book for the beach or a lazy afternoon but I wouldn't recommend it for a train journey - you might miss your stop.

And you get to find out what really happened in that tunnel in Paris. Possibly.

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The Power Behind The Throne, Sally Nicoll kindle free books download and review