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THE BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL follows a group of British retirees who decide to "outsource" their retirement to less expensive and seemingly exotic India. Enticed by advertisements for the newly restored Marigold Hotel and bolstered with visions of a life of leisure, they arrive to find the palace a shell of its former self.
Though the new environment is less luxurious than imagined, they are forever transformed by their shared experiences, discovering that life and love can begin again when you let go of the past.

Deborah Moggach (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Print List Price: £7.99
Kindle Price: £3.19
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Reviews from Amazon:
Downloaded this to listen to on my journey to work and have loved every minute of it so much so that I'm not sure I actually want to see the film now despite the cast of fantastic actors! Nina was the perfect narrator - I closed my eyes and imagined the characters, the settings, the richness and commercialism of Bangalore and the brilliant gentle humour which I must admit made me smile and laugh out loud quite a few times; I even quite liked the old pervert Norman! It's a story I'll listen to again and again one of my best purchases.
I really enjoyed reading this book! I didn't know what to expect when I first bought it as i have seen the film advertised. Its heart warming and you really get to know the characters and how they feel when they are old. I would recommend this book to anyone!
This book seems to have its lovers and its haters. I fall into the former category, and I doubt if I will see the film in case it spoils my enjoyment of the book. Unlike other reviewers I did not find this novel at all depressing, other than the utter squalor and hopelessness of the lives of so many Indians living in their big cities which it so vividly portrays. The residents' characters are finely drawn and to me they are all likeable in their own ways. I really did want to find out what happened to them as the story progressed. And what a happy ending, in many ways.
I haven't enjoyed a book as much as this one for a long time.
This book by Deborah Moggach was first published under the title 'These Foolish Things'. Re-issued and re-titled on the back of the success of the film 'The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel' many will buy it because, as I did, they want to know more about the individual characters, who are somewhat sketchy in the film. They will be disappointed. Some characters have vanished altogether, while others have been completely changed. I won't say who, as it may spoil the enjoyment of reading the book itself.
Having said all that, it is a very good book, full of real people and genuine pathos. There is humour, but not as much as in the film. There is a lot more about the difference in attitudes to older people in British and Indian society, as well as ageing in general. There are also many references to the conflict between traditional Indian society and the new.
A good read (I couldn't put it down), entertaining and thought-provoking, humorous and sad but beware, it is not the book of the film!
I liked this book very much. Style was economical and full of feeling for the characters. I suspect that those who did not enjoy it may have been younger readers. Highly recommended.
Dr Ravi comes home from a day at work to find an unwanted house guest; his father in law Norman. Norman has been kicked out of yet another retirement home because of 'inappropriate behaviour' towards the nursing staff. This acts as a catalyst for Ravi to enter into a plan with his somewhat dubious cousin; Sonny to create a retirement home in Bangalore. Ravi will handle the British side of the operation and Sonny will run the Indian side.
Most of the new inhabitants have come due to a send of adventure in the case of Doug and Jean; or because they feel abandoned by their families such as Evelyn. Others have their own reasons for coming to India.
The book for the most part is a little depressing and makes the reader question their own mortality, and what 'they have done with their life'? It also makes one question whether they are genuinely happy or whether merely content. Although the ending does provide that is never too late to make changes to your life and find happiness.
I would recommend reading as it is very unique subject matter, the characters are interesting and often a little eccentric. It leaves the reader to question the value of their own life and to appreciate the importance of family.
I enjoyed the book and it made me laugh out loud. Have not seen the film (yet) but looking at the cast it has only a fraction of the characters in it, which could make it less interesting.
Keith and Theresa were great in the book and they don't seem to be in the film cast. But with such great actors in the film I am sure I will enjoy it but will need to not compare it to the book as I am sure I would be a little disappointed. Evelyn s relationship with her children is an important element in the book and key to her persona I felt.
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