FREE: Dating A Cougar by Donna McDonald Download and Review

At 50 ageing model and lingerie designer, Alexa Ranger, had finally given up the search for love or had she?

Dating A Cougar by Donna McDonald
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Ageing model and lingerie designer, Alexa Ranger, had finally given up the search for love or had she? -
After several decades of looking for true love and never finding it, ageing model and lingerie designer, Alexa Ranger, has finally given up the search. A couple years ago, she got tired of the game completely and just stopped dating. Now friends and family keep her mostly content, so it’s shocking at 50 years old to find herself suddenly wanting a sex life again.

It’s even more shocking to be attracted to a much younger man this time. She definitely thinks Casey Carter is sexy, but not handling her own age well, Alexa just can’t get passed their twelve year age difference to even consider a fling. Not that it matters anyway, anything resembling a normal dating relationship is totally out of the question because Casey is related to and living with her daughter’s boyfriend. The very last thing Alexa needs is yet another talk-show worthy drama in her already complicated life, no matter how amazing Casey’s kisses make her feel.

For a couple of years, 38 yr old, medically retired Marine, Casey Carter, believed his military injury had made him impotent. Having lost his wife to cancer, he hadn’t exactly been worried about the problem. Most days walking with cane was enough challenge for him. But now that he was ready to move on with his life, he had become more worried when none of the females his cousin brought around held any interest for him. So the last woman in the world he expected to start his engine revving again was the mother of his cousin's girlfriend.

Even at fifty, Alexa is drop-dead gorgeous, and his libido certainly keeps reminding him she is the first woman he has wanted in a long, long time. Ironically, the more Casey gets to know and like Alexa, he finds out desiring the older woman is the easiest part. Jaded and cynical about love, Alexa is a difficult woman to convince of anything, but her kisses are all the proof he needs that they belong together. The former Marine decides his next mission is figuring out how to fit himself into her life.

Dating A Cougar by Donna McDonaldDating A Cougar (fiction)
Donna McDonald (Author)
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Print List Price: £0.77
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Reviews from Amazon:

As soon as I started reading this it grabbed my attention....there was a few emotions running through this book which suited me fine...laughter,tears (I'm a softy !!) and a good old dash of raunchy.
Can't wait to read more in this series. Quite tasteful without being "Older lady stalks younger man" type. Good storyline with a good clean ending
I was really surprised by this story, pleasantly so I may say. Alexa is a fifty year old ex-model and underwear designer. She is going to a party, her daughter Jenna has a boyfriend called Seth. Jenna has asked Alexa to come to the party to meet Seth's only relation Casey. The minute she shakes Casey's hand she feels a connection between them Casey feels it to. 

A short while later Casey turns up at Alexa's business he is attracted to Alexa and is determined to take it further, Alexa is not having any of this she is fifty whereas he is only thirty-eight. Undaunted Casey is stubborn and refuses to give in. 

The growing relationship between them was a real pleasure to read it was written with a deft touch by the author, I believe this is just one book that is part of a series of stories between couples who are older. I shall certainly be checking out more of these.
Whilst I enjoyed the general plot of this novel, I felt at times the writing was either a little amateurish, or unrealistic - I can't decide which. Some of the conversations between the two main characters, particularly bed talk, got a little repetitive and slightly false. I know real life isn't like books, but that doesn't mean the characters can't feel realistic.

However, don't let this put you off buying or downloading this book, it is a nice easy read, and if you can get over the slight discomfort of the occasional lax writing, it is a perfectly good chick lit offering.

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