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In 1970 I volunteered to leave my family home and enter William Henry Smith School, an institution for maladjusted children near Brighouse in West Yorkshire, I was 11 years old.
After almost two years it became apparent that I had exasperated all efforts to control my behaviour and was no longer welcome at the school. This was a pattern which continued for the next few years of my life.
I was moved from a children’s home in Bradford to a secure unit in York from which I managed to escape on two occasions. I was then sent to an Approved School in County Durham.
As incredulous as it may seem, at the age of 14 I was expelled from the Approved School and returned to another children’s home back in my home town of Bradford. True to form I was kicked out of this home too.
The above is pretty much the sum of my family and friends knowledge of my childhood, and to be fair, it’s hardly surprising that I was judged, frowned upon and quite often avoided like a crusty pair of Y fronts.
I am now 53 years old and have managed, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, to obtain official records held about me from those early days. I have also managed to acquire the cojones to let all and sundry know the truth.
As I have used my real name, I felt it was only right that I use the real names of other guilty parties, the ones who should have known better.
If you are interested in reading a true, openly honest, occasionally sad yet often humorous memoir, please do buy my book, “I Think I’m OK.” I assure you it’s far from a ‘misery memoir.’
Oh, I guess I should point out that there are a few of them there naughty sweary words included . . . sorry about that.

Christopher Kenny (Author)
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Print List Price: £4.11
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Reviews from Amazon:
Honest and heartfelt reflection and biography of a young boy/man deemed a troublemaker by society. I can't say what I liked more, the candid approach the author took to writing his own story, the under emphasis of heartbreaking events or the take it on the chin attitude he displayed during that time. At first I thought al right a divorce and step dad, that can't be enough for him to just start acting completely off the rails. Then he just slams the reader with it. No detailed graphic visual images just his thoughts and flashback of the events. The way it was presented made it even more powerful.
Suffice to say one of the most important terms in the book are the words running away. Running away from the hidden terror. I found it unforgivable that the Social Services laid so much emphasis on his fathers sexual orientation and the child being exposed to it, because the so called experts put it on the same level as deviant behaviour. Of course that meant that they didn't look for the real reason for his behaviour and in doing so ended up presenting him on a platter to exactly those deviants they were supposed to be saving him from.
I was surprised at the angry outburst at Val, because there wasn't one towards Derek, Philip or even his mother. Then he pinpoints it himself, the fact that the powers that be and adults around him called him a liar was of more importance, because that meant they would never believe him, when and if he told them what had happened at the beginning of his journey. I admire the author for having the strength to finally confront his inner demons and the living ones. I gather by the last chapter that he wasn't alone in being a victim and I hope that the abuser receives the Karma he deserves and that the other members of the family he abused will be able to face their demons also.
I "bought" this book when I noticed that it was being advertised as free for the kindle. Being the 'tight bugger' that I am, I thought why not download it. The book starts off very entertainingly and you see Christopher as you do many kids - the loveable rogue. Without going into detail, there is a sad (probably life changing event) that happens to Christopher and having a 9 year old son myself its easy to think about what it would be like to my own son. Christopher, thanks for sharing your story and I hope that karma takes care of things
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