FREE Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe Download and review

FREE Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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Shortly after its publication and within Stowe's lifetime, it transcended the category of literature to become that rarest of products: a cultural artefact; a Rosetta stone for black images in American fiction, theatre, and film - not so much a novel, one might say, as an experience inseparable from the events that precipitated the Civil War.

('So this, ' Abraham Lincoln said, famously, when he met Stowe, 'is the little lady who wrote the book that made this great war.') 

It has been the Ur text or common coin for discussions about slavery for a century and a half, one woman's very influential interpretation of the Peculiar Institution - an interpretation that we may love or hate, admire or despise, defend or reject, in whole or in part.

It is nonetheless a story that so permeates white popular and literary culture, and sits so high astride nineteenth-century American fiction, that it simply can never be ignored."

from the Introduction by Charles Johnson
Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher StoweUncle Tom's Cabin (fiction)
Harriet Beecher Stowe (Author)
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Reviews from Amazon:

I had read this years ago as a teenager and remembered enjoying it. Seeing it available on Kindle for free I thought it time to read it again and am very glad I did. 

Very clearly written as anti slavery propaganda during the mid 19th century, at the time before the American Civil War when slavery was allowed in southern American states but not in the North, it movingly follows the lives of several slaves and their owners, refuting the arguments of the pro slavery lobby at the time that slaves could be more comfortable and secure with a paternal owner than braving the labour market on their own. 

The book explores in heart breaking detail the devastating possible effects of the death or ruin of a slave owner which could force the sale by auction of his property, including his slaves. This often lead to permanent separation of families. The book is often very sentimental but is also very charmingly written with gentle humour and some very moving chapters.
I was hooked within a couple of pages, though I found the colloquial language difficult as it disrupts the flow. The characters were all stereotypes of the era nevertheless they were well drawn and consistent. Whilst I think religion has done a lot of harm in the world, I like they way the author constructed the argument against slavery from a Christian perspective. I can also see how the promise of eternal life in paradise helped the slaves survive their abhorrent situation.
This is one of the best books I have ever read in my life. I couldn't stop crying when reading it and to know that such things happened is dreadful. Well told, I cant stop thinking about this even weeks after reading it!

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