Scratch by Danny Gillan Download and Review

An emotionally honest and hilariously candid story about what it is to grow up as opposed to simply change age.

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An emotionally honest and hilariously candid story about what it is to grow up as opposed to simply change age.

An unexpected reminder of his past prompts Jim Cooper, a 33 year-old Glaswegian call centre worker, to make a big decision. He’s going back to adulthood ground-zero - no job, no debt, no, er, home, and starting again. Maybe this time he can do it right and get the girl. The fact that the girl is already married and living in another country and her Bruce Lee obsessed dad apparently wants to turn Jim into his latest pet are only two of the obstacles he faces.

Given Jim's forward planning skills don’t extend beyond praying and having panic attacks, it isn’t surprising that he soon finds himself living with his parents and working for minimum wage, in the same pub he worked in when he was 18. What is unexpected is Paula Fraser walking through the pub’s door for the first time in 12 years.

What’s even more surprising is that Paula admits she still loves Jim. But yes, she’s married, and no, she won't cheat on her husband. She'll tell him the marriage is over. Soon. When the time is right. As soon as her husband's sick grandfather gets better - or fatally worse.

And so, Jim and Paula embark on the tricky business of not having an affair, and not telling anyone they know that they’re not having an affair. As Jim reflects, ‘If not being physically intimate with her in any way and denying to everyone we knew that anything was going on between us was the best way to prove I loved her, then that’s what I would do.’

Scratch is an non sanitised, emotionally honest and hilariously candid story about what it is to grow up as opposed to simply change age, as told by a man who doesn’t know what any of those words mean.

scratch by danny gillan book cover 
Scratch (fiction)
Danny Gillan (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Print List Price: £1.87
Kindle Price: £1.87
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Reviews from Amazon:

I wish I could write like this. I really do. I wish I could create a character who felt like someone you knew, or wanted to know, or wish you'd known in a previous life. Who was witty and warm, shallow and human, a fool and a hero all in one.

It's rarely you come to the end of a book, particularly one with a comedy angle, and feel you may possible have learned something about yourself, but I came to the final page (well, kindle screen) this morning and felt enlightened.

The author creates a fairly mundane life, of a pretty mundane character, with no real shocks, no clever twists, no real heroes or baddies. As journeys go it's pretty routine ...

But ... it's gripping. Totally hooks you from the minute you bond with Jim Cooper early on. You understand him, sympathise with him, all the time wishing you knew him and could give him a cuddle. You feel his pain and joy and you learn some hard lessons about life along the way.
Characters and dialogue are effortless here, a lesson in how to get inside a POV and pull the reader along on their journey.

It's not a boys book, nor a girls book, i think it's a genre on it's own. Either way, it's a bloody good read and worth three squid of anyone's money. Danny Gillan can write, I just wonder, rather like his character, if he realises how much of a gem he is.
First book of Danny Gillan's, Will You Love Me Tomorrow, was unputdownable, funny and serious in equal measure. Scratch is just as fab. A real will-they won't they, pleeeease let it end right, fantastic book.
Scratch has a simple premise. Guy takes a retro career step, meets the love of his life again and if everything goes according to plan he'll live happily ever after. If you want to know whether it goes to plan, you'll have to read the book.

And while you're reading, you'll meet some wonderful characters: is he-or-is-he-not-gay, Terry. The Bruce Lee devotee psychologist, Simon ... or is it Joe? Abe and his foul-mouthed kitchen porter, Jed. Bone idle Kate, a perfect example of the Peter Principle. And you'll meet the gorgeous, intelligent and determined Paula, the object of Jim's love, the woman who left him and has now come back.

Author Danny Gillan takes this marvellous cast and weaves them into the kinds of simple situation we all come across every day. But the result is not ordinary. It's a humorous journey, commenting on life, love, the modern world, and the hopes, desires, aims and ambitions of thoroughly ordinary yet extraordinary people.

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