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Eye of the Witch by Dana Donovan - kindle free books

Pride, paranoia and paranormal forces all conspire to derail Detective Marcella.

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Pride, paranoia and paranormal forces all conspire to derail Detective Marcella’s investigation into a series of suspicious suicides in New Castle, Massachusetts.

In this sequel to The Witch’s Ladder, Marcella learns that because of the ties that bind their pasts, every potential victim is also a possible suspect.

Eye of the Witch by Dana DonovanEye of the Witch (fiction)
Dana Donovan (Author)
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Print List Price: £1.98
Kindle Price: £0.00 
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Reviews from Amazon:

This the second of Detective Marcella Witches Series has many threads which kept my interest, Marcella is once again drawn to Lilith. He takes retirement, settles in an apartment in Florida, bored and with no direction. Carlos his partner calls as he finds three suicides in a few weeks, the last being a policewoman known to both of them.

Marcella is only too happy to pack his case and catch the next plane, he finds that so much has changed since his last case a year ago, his apprehension soon goes as working the case develops his confidence. As the death toll rises and the suspects rise too, each can be dismissed as a suicide, Marcella believes paranormal forces at work, he seeks Lilith's help.

Marcella finds the deaths once again are persons who have been linked to the Paranormal Centre, he learns the dead policewoman had been looking into the deaths without informing her supervisor. On finding and decoding her records helps to move the investigation forward. A prominent Law firm is implicated in the suspects, working his case Lilith draws his attention more than he at times he is comfortable with.

Marcella learns more of witchcraft, and more of the paranormal world, I look forward to the next novel.
I'm really enjoying the Detective Marcella series - I've read book 2 and 3 in the space of 24 hours.

At the beginning of this one, I was thinking there would be a bit of romance between Marcella and Lilith, only for the first chapter to point out that he is 64 years old!! So I was quite disappointed I'd missed that fact in the first book, I had totally the wrong 'picture' in my head :) Needless to say (for anyone who has read it) good job I read through the whole thing! ;)

I think the way the author ended the novel is absolutely awesome, and I love the depth of the 'paranormal' that's used and how it just blends in with the 'real' world. Makes me want to be a witch (I may have been called that in the past! lol)

Just downloaded the entire series, looking forward to number 4 - I wouldn't' say it's a great read for hardcore crime lovers, but if you like a bit of the 'far-fetched' and have an open mind and like to be frustrated, and twisted and turned, then I'd recommend it :) But start at number 1.
Thoroughly enjoyed this book. Good story line with a hint of humour. It is about three women who apparently have committed suicide but upon investigation by retired cop Detective Marcella, the three women had a connection to do with witchcraft and were all killed by the same story which is not obvious due to lots of very clever twists with a very good "unexpected" ending.

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