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World's Craziest Recipes by Chef Ban £0.77

World's Craziest Recipes. This isn't just a recipe book, it's an education, and a fascinating one

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tasty . . . delicious . . . aromatic . . . and mouth-watering

However, its not often you hear these words associated with such weird and bizarre dishes as deep-fried brains, plump sweetbreads and succulent roasted rat.

What is deemed inedible in one country might be amazing delicacies to the natives of another.

So, if you're the type that licks your lips hungrily at the idea of a bowl of bosintang, a fried bull penis or chicken feet soup, then this is the book for you.

Some of the most unusual and wildest recipes from around the world have been compiled here for fun and to satisfy those with a sense of adventure.

Just close your eyes and imaging your tongue swimming in a wild variety of flavours like you've never had before.

free books for kindleWorld's Craziest Recipes (cookery)
Chef Ban (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Print List Price: £0.77
Kindle Price: £0.77
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Reviews from Amazon: 

The title of this book is a good hint to the content. They're "world" recipes, meaning they aren't what most Westerners are accustomed to seeing on any menu, even the most exotic ones. "Craziest" is probably what most Western readers will say, though many of these foods are considered everyday fare, if not gourmet treats, in some parts of the world.

I'm only half-joking when I say this would be a good cookbook to show children who turn up their noses at meals that include spinach, broccoli, or liver. (Then again, I've known quite a few eight-year-old boys who would love to go to school and say that their parents served these dishes.)

I couldn't find a single recipe I'd cheerfully prepare, but I might challenge myself with that banana bread variation. The mealworm fried rice dish looks like the chef has found the perfect balance of ingredients for a great fried rice... but I'd cook it without the mealworms.

This is one of the best-written and most surprising cookbooks I've read in a long time, and I could tell that it's written by a world-class chef. (He mentions his Tampa restaurant, still run by his children, and I'd probably go out of my way to have a meal there, next time I'm in Florida.)

Ordinarily, I read a cookbook and the recipes look good enough to try... or they don't. It's that simple.

In this case, though I probably won't cook any of the recipes, I really enjoyed reading this cookbook as a cultural adventure, because the book is so well-written. Some of the photos are... well, exactly what you'd expect. Nevertheless, everything is very artistic in this book, and thoroughly explained for Western cooks.
I must say I learned a lot about things people around the world eat. If you like VERY unusual foods or want to amaze (and possibly horrify) dinner guests this book is for you. Some of the recipes sounded reasonable and all of the photos were well done but some of these dishes are just never going to happen in my kitchen! An interesting book, all in all.

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