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"I will go back to reading David Quantick's excellent Sparks now" - Neil Gaiman, September 2012
When Paul Sparks is dumped by Alison, he decides to use a gateway into a million parallel universes to look for a new girfriend - an Alison who won't dump him. It's a simple plan - he's a simple man - except for the forces of the Random, a man called Joseph Kaye, and a cockroach that doesn't exist. Sci-fi comedy.

David Quantick (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Print List Price: £1.93
Kindle Price: £1.93
includes free wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Reviews from Amazon:
If Sparks read this book he probably would have written the above
review! As an anti-hero he's perfect. This reminded me of Douglas
Adams. Normality meets unreality with humorous consequences. A great
read for a great price!
An impatient reader, I looked forward to this secure that it would be taut and get as much comically out of every paragraph as possible; more Fall Of The House Of Usher than Tess Of The Sodding D'Urbervilles. Sure enough it is, and does.
Beyond the cited Adamsesque(?) conversational and self-effacing tone (reminiscent also of Vonnegut, I suppose) he crafts images in the style Douglas Adams is most quoted for, ranging from the sublime ("the sun fighting its way over the clouds like a smoker climbing the stairs") to the ridiculous ("huge tower blocks, painted according to some ill-advised '70s scheme in black and yellow, like vertical wasps"). I guess that also reflects his form as someone having to describe music he didn't like in print. Cat being pulled out of a cutlery drawer by Vince Clarke, stuff like that. David's book is chocker with this. I grew up on Hitchhiker's, and laugh though I did I don't recall laughing out loud often, as I have with Sparks.
I'd like to have learned more about Alison, and explored the multiverse further - felt a little of the story was lost in the telling of it. But it's still a good yarn told brilliantly. Less than the cost of a Mail On Sunday and a packet of chewing gum, and unlike either you can consume it without a nagging emptiness emerging in the pit of your stomach.
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