Guns by Stephen King only £0.99p

King's earnings from the sale of this essay will go the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

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In a pulls-no-punches essay intended to provoke rational discussion, Stephen King sets down his thoughts about gun violence in America. Anger and grief in the wake of the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School are palpable in this urgent piece of writing, but no less remarkable are King’s keen thoughtfulness and composure as he explores the contours of the gun-control issue and constructs his argument for what can and should be done.

King's earnings from the sale of this essay will go the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

kindle free books guns by stephen king £0.99pGuns by Stephen King (fiction)
Stephen King (Author)
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Reviews from Amazon:
This is a well thought response to the current crisis concerning shootings in America. This short pamphlet is not a polemic but a series of thoughts and ideas on how to cope with the increase in gun crime in America. It is accompanied by some shocking statistics but King's voice of reason also offers a glimpse of hope.

Obviously and quite rightly aimed at the US market, but nevertheless an interesting read. King puts forward a reasonable argument, but the essay is too short and too light on facts and statistics to really make a hard-hitting case. It boils down to a brief rant at the NRA coupled with an explanation of why he withdrew his early book "Rage" about a school shooting. King could have used this platform to raise a stronger argument.
Mr King makes some very convincing arguments for gun control, its time to reflect for America, no one is trying to take away your right to self defence or your hunting rifles. Just stop putting assault weapons with large magazines in the hands of the mentally ill. 

Mr King appeals to common sense and to stop political polarized dogmatic stances and think a bit before more before school kids get murdered by loonies with guns. The NRA has a chance here to come down from its closed minded, hear no evil, see no evil stupidity and do something positive for reasonable people who own guns. 

This little book is a very reasonable appeal to sensible gun owners and law makers.
As always Stephen King is clear and to the point we are becoming immune to the daily killing of children - some thing needs to change. This essay sets it out. Read and take note people your family could be next. .

King wrote a novel as a teenager about a kid who goes into a school with a gun, then rewrote it years later and published it under the pseudonym Richard Bachman as "Rage". Unfortunately, as King points out, the novel became a touchstone for some gun toting lunatics who went on to kill others in schools and he ended up withdrawing it from publication. To him it was the responsible thing to do.

After detailing the most recent atrocities of gun violence in America - specifically Sandy Hook and Aurora - he reaches the crux of the essay which is that assault weapons should be banned, clips should be limited to 10 bullets, and background checks be made more thorough. Very reasonable - and amazing that anyone would oppose this!

What is the use of an automatic assault rifle? Hunters readily admit that if you shot game with it they'd be inedible making the whole point of hunting in the first place pointless. What, you're going to defend your home with an automatic weapon?! It doesn't make any sense that such military grade weaponry should be made readily available to members of the public. 

And limiting clips to 10 bullets? How many do you need to take out the imaginary burglar just itching to get into your place? If you need more than 10, you probably shouldn't have a gun to start with. Thorough background checks and harsh penalties against those who lie to obtain guns - who could be against this, honestly!
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