The Dark by James Herbert 0.49p

And somewhere in the night...a small girl smiled as her mother burned...

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It came like a malignant shadow with seductive promises of power. 
And somewhere in the night...
a small girl smiled as her mother burned...
Asylum inmates slaughtered their attendants...
in slimy tunnels once-human creatures gathered. 
Madness raged as the lights began to fade and humanity was attacked by an ancient, unstoppable evil... Remember with fear...

free books for kindle - james herbert - the dark - 0.49pThe Dark (fiction)
James Herbert (Author)
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Print List Price: 0.49p
Kindle Price: £0.49p
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Reviews from Amazon:
I read this book at the age of 16 and found it a better than average Herbert novel with all the usual ingredients mentioned so often in these reviews. As a complete sceptic on all supernatural/horror matters I thought I'd share an odd but absolutely true incident that happened to me.

I read The Dark over two days and, as an impressionable teenager, I found the parts about the creeping blackness that gradually snuffs out lights compelling. I finished the book at three AM and placed it on the bedclothes, an instant later the bedside lamp fizzed and went out leaving me in blackness. I experienced a mild chill but then realised it must simply be a coincidence, put the main light on and changed the bulb. Make of that what you will, but this is a good and entertaining read.
I have read several of Herbert's novels but this is by far one of the best.

Some of the other reviews point out a similarity between The Dark and The Fog, but they are very different. I wont spoil either book but if you have read The Fog and found it disturbing, you probably shouldn't read The Dark!

Like many of Herbert's other novels the suspence starts from the first chapter and keeps you gripped until the end. Despite being over 430 pages long, this book could have carried on for longer, and part of me wishes that it had. I am in no way disappointed with the ending, I was just so caught up with the characters that I would have been more than happy with a few more chapters!

An excellent read and an absolute must for anyone who has read some of Herbert's other works. Also a good starting point for new Herbert fans, I am sure this book will have you hooked and eager to read more of his novels.

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