Wait For Me by Elisabeth Naughton Save 87%

A woman without a past...A man desperate for a reason to live...Two lives about to converge.

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A woman without a past...
After a tragic accident left her with no memory, Kate Alexander struggled to fit in with a husband and world that didn't feel right. She's had no reason to question what friends and family have told her, not until her husband is suddenly killed and she finds a photo of a young girl in his office. A girl who can't be anyone but a daughter Kate didn't know she had.

A man desperate for a reason to live...
Ryan Harrison lost his wife in a plane crash five years ago. To cope with the pain of her loss, he dedicated himself to his job and to raising their daughter. Now a successful pharmaceutical executive, Ryan has everything a man could want--money, fame and power--but he'd give it all up in a heartbeat for just one more day with the woman he still loves.

Two lives about to converge.
As Kate begins to dig into a past she doesn't remember, evidence leads her to San Francisco and puts her on the path toward Ryan, a man who sees in her the woman he loved and lost. Kate feels a draw to Ryan, one she can't explain, but is that feeling enough to convince her this is where she's supposed to be? As Ryan and Kate search for answers, they uncover lies long buried, a passion hotter than either expected and a danger that threatens...even now...when the second chance they've both been searching for is finally within reach.

Wait For Me by Elisabeth Naughton kindle free booksWait For Me (fiction)
Elisabeth Naughton (Author)
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Reviews from Amazon:
What a fantastic read! I was hooked from the very first page and read the book in a day because I couldn't put it down. At many points throughout, I found myself very emotional, always the sign of a good book. such a touching story with amazing characters. The only thing I disliked was getting to the end! I definitely recommend this book.
Wow, what a novel. Elisabeth Naughton writes in a seemingly effortless style creating a story that covers a number of genres. Thriller, romance, mystery and suspense ~ it kept me hooked from the moment I picked it up finishing easily within a few days after reading late into the night.

Gripping, with a well-developed plot and well crafted, believable characters brought the whole book alive. I really believed in Ryan's love for Annie (aka Katie). His pain, frustration and fear at the possible loss of her again felt tangible.

Emotions abound not only between the main characters Katie and Ryan but Mitch and Simone, Katie's brother and lawyer and other characters.

So, why not five stars from me? The story line isn't an easy one for any author to make real and believable but Elisabeth Naughton achieved just that. However, there were just a couple of issues I couldn't get my head around. As a mother myself I didn't feel Katie's overwhelming and maternal love for Julia. And after death threats on her life Katie still put herself into such dangerous situations I found difficult to believe at times. (However that could be down to me being a real weenie!) These were minor in the scheme of things and I would still highly recommend this book.

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