Adding Your Own Music, Movies, and Documents to your kindle fire isn’t complicated really but it needs to be done the right way to ensure the best possible results from your tablet.
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Most of the techniques require a mini USB cable and a laptop or desktop computer.
You will plug the kindle fire into the laptop and drag the files to the kindle fire window which should open up when your device has connected to your computer.
It is worth getting familiar with the file system on the kindle but you can find apps to help with this on the web.
Moving Documents to your Kindle Fire
To put .pdf, .txt, and .prc documents on your Kindle Fire, simply connect the device to a PC and launch the Kindle Fire folder on your computers desktop.
Next go to the Docs folder inside, and drag & drop the files to this folder.
When you next open the Docs app net time, they should be shown here.
It’s also possible to send files to the email address made available with your kindle fire that’s listed in the docs app
Moving Video Files on your Kindle Fire
Video may have to be converted to a suitable format that the kindle fire can read. The Kindle Fire uses MPEG – 4.
The video files can be converted to this format for free by searching for “free transcoding program”.
After you've converted your video files to mpeg 4, drag and drop the files from your computer to your Kindle Fire's Video folder.
For the best results with this convert the video files to MPEG 4 at a 624 x 252 frame width at 24 frames a second.
Moving your Music to your Kindle Fire
Just drag and drop the music to the Kindle fire music folder when your PC is connected to your kindle. Next time you open up your kindle fire music app the new tracks will be there.
Amazon are giving away 5GB of storage space with the Amazon Cloud Player, this is a great way to upload a large music collection.
It allows streaming play back for your Kindle Fire without using any of the kindle devices physical storage.
Music purchased via Amazon MP3 store don't count toward the 5GB limit, and if you should use it all you buy more space for your Amazon cloud space.
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The Kindle Fire HD Guidebook examines the device's basic functions, new and exciting features, and special tips & tricks for making the most of your device. Step by step instructions on how to do things that you won’t find anywhere else.
The book covers...
Maximizing Battery Life
Using the Camera for Taking Pictures and Video
Using Text-to-Speech for Books
Parental Controls and Preventing Unintentional Purchases
Sending free text messages
Setting up and using 4G LTE Wireless Internet
Finding FREE Kindle books
Sideloading apps
Organizing your books into folders
Setting up Email
Sending Documents to the Fire HD
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