The Sweet Gum Tree by Katherine Allred £0.95 save 93%

'A sweet gum is the chameleon of wood, its corky exterior hiding its inner ability to imitate anything from cherry to mahogany. But its real value, one unrealized by most people, is its deep red heart, steady and strong. They see only the pale fibrous wood, easily warped, that surrounds the core.'

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This is a suggestive romance (love scenes are not graphic). Sweet tea, corn bread, and soup beans are everyday fare for eight-year-old Alix French, the precocious darling of a respected southern family. But nothing was ordinary about the day she met ten-year-old Nick Anderson, a boy from the wrong side of town.

Armed with only a tin of bee balm and steely determination, Alix treats the raw evidence of a recent beating that mar his back, an act that changes both of their lives forever.Through childhood disasters and teenage woes they cling together as friendship turns to love. The future looks rosy until the fateful night when Frank Anderson, Nick's abusive father, is shot to death in his filthy trailer.

Suddenly, Nick is gone, leaving Alix alone, confused and pregnant. For the next fifteen years she wrestles with the pain of Nick's abandonment, a bad marriage, her family and friends. But finally, she's starting to get her life back together. Her divorce is almost final, her business is booming, and she's content if not happy, until the day she looks up and sees Nick standing across the counter.

He's back… and he's not alone.Once again Alix is plunged into turmoil and pain as Nick tries to win her love, something she resists with all her strength. Only one thing might break the protective wall she's built around her emotions—the truth about Frank Anderson's death. But when that truth comes out and those walls crumble, neither Alix nor Nick is prepared for the emotional explosion that could destroy as well as heal.

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The Sweet Gum Tree (fiction)
Katherine Allred (Author)
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Print List Price: £13.50
Kindle Price: £0.95
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Reviews from Amazon:
 Alix and Nick became friends when they were small children. Alix coming from a loving family, Nick from an abusive, alcoholic single father. After fighting the attraction through their early teen years when Alix turns 17 their close friendship turns to intense love. Their relationship is tested time and again only to be broken when Nick's abusive father turns up dead and he is forced to leave their small town and Alix. Shortly after Nick leaves Alix finds out she is pregnant with Nick's baby. Her world crashing down she decides the best thing for her and her baby is to marry another man (boy). 15 years later Alix's world is falling apart once again when her marriage is ending and Nick returns to town.

I wish I could tell everyone who loves to read romance about this book. Katherine Allred deserves Stephanie Meyer's Twilight attention for this. I have never fallen so in love with characters in a book before. Alix is the kind of realistic girl/woman that makes you want to grab her and hug her. Nick is the boy/man that every woman dreams about but with the realistic alpha male personality, not the "me boy, you girl, I take you now" kind of guy we usually read about.

After reading this I bought every book I could find by Katherine Allred. I cannot recommend this book enough.
Set in present day in the South, The Sweet Gum Tree tells a story spanning 26 years about Alix and Nick. Alix befriends Nick when she and her grandfather visit Nick's father's junk yard. Nick is abused by his alcoholic father and finds solace with Alix's family. The two become inseparable until some events out of their control send Nick away and leave Alix abandoned pregnant with Nick's child. 15 years later Nick returns and wants Alix back. Alix is finishing up her divorce and initially wants nothing to do with Nick. This book is really good. It's told from the first person and I felt Alix's emotions. It also made me cry. PG-13 (some sex, discussion of rape scene, nothing very graphic)
Mrs. Allred has written one of the best books I have ever had the pleasure of reading! I was very impressed with her character development and story line. You can't help but fall in love with Nick and Alex and cry your eyes out for their loss. It is such a touching story! It is truly a must read!

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