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Todays free book is The Beautiful and Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Today's Free book from Kindle free books:
FREE: The Beautiful and Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald’s rich and detailed novel of the decadent Jazz Era follows the beautiful and vibrant Anthony Patch and his wife Gloria as they navigate the heady lifestyle of the young and wealthy in 1920s New York. Patch is heir to his grandfather’s fortune, and keeps his spoiled wife in comfort while biding time until his grandfather’s death. Patch is unable to hold down any kind of job and spends his days in luxury, indulging in whatever pleasures are available. But as the money begins to fail, so does their marriage. Patch’s gradual descent into alcoholism, depression and alienation from his marriage ultimately lead to his ruin.
Todays free book is The Beautiful and Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Today's Free book from Kindle free books:
FREE: The Beautiful and Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Fitzgerald’s rich and detailed novel of the decadent Jazz Era follows the beautiful and vibrant Anthony Patch and his wife Gloria as they navigate the heady lifestyle of the young and wealthy in 1920s New York. Patch is heir to his grandfather’s fortune, and keeps his spoiled wife in comfort while biding time until his grandfather’s death. Patch is unable to hold down any kind of job and spends his days in luxury, indulging in whatever pleasures are available. But as the money begins to fail, so does their marriage. Patch’s gradual descent into alcoholism, depression and alienation from his marriage ultimately lead to his ruin.
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