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Todays free book is FREE: One Young Man The simple and true story of a clerk who enlisted in 1914 by J. E. Hodder - Williams
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Today's Free book from Kindle free books:
FREE: One Young Man The simple and true story of a clerk who enlisted in 1914 by J. E. Hodder - Williams
One Young Man The simple and true story of a clerk who enlisted in 1914, who fought on the western front for nearly two years, was severely wounded at ... and is now on his way back to his desk.
Short book describing the First World War experiences of a perfectly ordinary British Tommy, Sydney Baxter, in the trenches, following his experiences from his first training and going to France within a few weeks up his being invalided back to Blighty after being wounded on the Somme in July 1916. The book is told largely through letters home to his mum, and his own descriptions, and was printed for private circulation in 1917. His likability and stoicism shine through clearly - his lack of resentment at those still at home, his calm acceptance of the conditions under which he lives, his comradeship with his close mates, and, at the end, the remarkable way in which he faces up to his injuries, described thus in a letter written to the office in which he was to return as a clerk by autumn 1916.
Todays free book is FREE: One Young Man The simple and true story of a clerk who enlisted in 1914 by J. E. Hodder - Williams
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Unless you own a kindle you will have to download a Free app here from Amazon and this is very simple and uses the same software.
Ultra thin Slim Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard Keypad £9.99
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Get this from Amazon (Different Styling) US $20.28
This Ultra-Slim Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard is especially designed for iPad, iPhone 4, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3Gs, iPod Touch, PS3, PC, Mac, Symbian & Windows Mobile Phones and more. See details and reviews for more models.
Today's Free book from Kindle free books:

One Young Man The simple and true story of a clerk who enlisted in 1914, who fought on the western front for nearly two years, was severely wounded at ... and is now on his way back to his desk.
Short book describing the First World War experiences of a perfectly ordinary British Tommy, Sydney Baxter, in the trenches, following his experiences from his first training and going to France within a few weeks up his being invalided back to Blighty after being wounded on the Somme in July 1916. The book is told largely through letters home to his mum, and his own descriptions, and was printed for private circulation in 1917. His likability and stoicism shine through clearly - his lack of resentment at those still at home, his calm acceptance of the conditions under which he lives, his comradeship with his close mates, and, at the end, the remarkable way in which he faces up to his injuries, described thus in a letter written to the office in which he was to return as a clerk by autumn 1916.
FREE: One Young Man The simple and true story of a clerk who enlisted in 1914 by J. E. Hodder - Williams free
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