Todays free book is David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
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Round Scapes are a way of seeing the world as a globe or little planet on its own. Imagine being able to turn a full circle yet being able to retain the entire view. They are created out of 360 degree panoramic photos, and then mapping this flat plane onto a spherical one.They are then printed on high quality machines and papers and framed.
The Roundscapes I photograph are usually of historical of mythological landscapes using a variety of techniques and cameras to create a symbolic image of a time and place.
Click here to see The Gallery - Framed Prints from £12.99
Today's Free book from Kindle free books:
FREE: David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
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Beginning in 1854 up through to his death in 1870, Charles Dickens abridged and adapted many of his more popular works and performed them as staged readings. This version, each page illustrated with lovely watercolour paintings, is a beautiful example of one of these adaptations. Because it is quite seriously abridged, the story concentrates primarily on the extended family of Mr. Peggotty: his orphaned nephew, Ham; his adopted niece, Little Emily; and Mrs. Gummidge, self-described as "a lone lorn creetur and everythink went contrairy with her." When Little Emily runs away with Copperfield's former schoolmate, leaving Mr. Peggotty completely broken hearted, the whole family is thrown into turmoil. But Dickens weaves some comic relief throughout the story with the introduction of Mr. and Mrs. Micawber, and David's love for his pretty, silly "child-wife," Dora. Dark nights, mysterious locations, and the final destructive storm provide classic Dickensian drama. Although this is not David Copperfield in its entirety, it is a great introduction to the world and the language of Charles Dickens.
FREE: David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
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Beginning in 1854 up through to his death in 1870, Charles Dickens abridged and adapted many of his more popular works and performed them as staged readings. This version, each page illustrated with lovely watercolour paintings, is a beautiful example of one of these adaptations. Because it is quite seriously abridged, the story concentrates primarily on the extended family of Mr. Peggotty: his orphaned nephew, Ham; his adopted niece, Little Emily; and Mrs. Gummidge, self-described as "a lone lorn creetur and everythink went contrairy with her." When Little Emily runs away with Copperfield's former schoolmate, leaving Mr. Peggotty completely broken hearted, the whole family is thrown into turmoil. But Dickens weaves some comic relief throughout the story with the introduction of Mr. and Mrs. Micawber, and David's love for his pretty, silly "child-wife," Dora. Dark nights, mysterious locations, and the final destructive storm provide classic Dickensian drama. Although this is not David Copperfield in its entirety, it is a great introduction to the world and the language of Charles Dickens.
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens free
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